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Collaborative Innovation Working Group


The NM EPSCoR (Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) SMART Grid Center seeks applications for Collaborative Innovation Working Groups (C-IWGs). These awards primarily support groups of researchers (faculty, post-docs, and students), educators, and/or nationally recognized experts that seek to promote research innovation and integration in the area of smart grids, microgrids, cybersecurity, and cutting-edge research applications for advancing the country’s electricity production and delivery system. In addition, C-IWGs can support training/learning activities in emerging smart grid–related areas and address core challenges of advancing and diversifying disciplines, workforce training, and industries related to the electricity sector.


Any individual from a New Mexico academic institution or national laboratory may submit a proposal; postdocs are encouraged to submit as a co-PI. Direct involvement in a NM EPSCoR–funded project is NOT a prerequisite for submitting a proposal.

Proposal Submission Requirements and Process


View the informational Webinar here  

Selena Connealy, Associate Director, NM EPSCoR

CIWG Proposal Submission
