On February 11th, Explora opened X Studio, a teen center in Albuquerque that is sure to be a hit with youth. The new 8,000-square-foot facility features an exhibit co-developed with the NM SMART Grid Center that focuses on energy generation and distribution while showcasing grid resilience careers for teens to consider as they continue on to college or trades school. As with the other exhibits featured in the STEM in the Burque exhibition space, one goal of the NM SMART Grid exhibit is to inspire teens to pursue careers in STEM fields.
Category: Workforce Development
Hey, New Mexico students! Don’t have time to go looking for summer internships? No problem, we’ve done it for you.
STEM Advancement Program (STEMAP) by NM SMART Grid Center
Who: Undergraduates students from New Mexico regional universities, community colleges and tribal colleges. Students from UNM, NMT, and NMSU main campus are not eligible.
The Department of Energy (DOE) releases topics through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs to provide non-dilutive funding for new entrepreneurs.
The Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) and the Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) have released several topics during this topic release to address energy needs in the solar and water power sectors.
This virtual webinar will cover:
Check out the event photo highlight reel on our Youtube channel by clicking here.
Join us for music, light refreshments, and networking at this NMTC Member exclusive event as we celebrate our members!
The NMTC staff will share highlights from 2022 and the new and exciting plans for 2023 and beyond. Members will be provided with a copy of our strategic vision and program overview for 2023.
Join WESST Farmington Women’s Business Center and NM Manufacturing Extension Partnership for Manufacturing Days as we celebrate women in Manufacturing. Manufacturing has traditionally been a male-dominated industry—fewer than one third of manufacturing employees are women. Working women who are moms and leaders within their family and community often go unrecognized and balancing of work life is particularly tough on women. Though there have been improvements in recent years, women are still under represented in the manufacturing industry.
NM EPSCoR works to support the next generation of STEM professionals in New Mexico. In the current award, the NM SMART Grid Center, we are pairing project students with New Mexico organizations through our Externship program.
Women business owners are generally overworked and under appreciated in the business world. Some 48% of women reported struggling with the high expectations of being a small business owner, and studies have shown that women are more prone to experiencing burnout than men.
Are you an indigenous woman that is looking to start a business? Are you ready to build and develop your business roadmap that will lead to creating a business plan?
If so, then join us virtually for this class!
The business planning process includes diagnosing the business internal strengths and weaknesses, improving its efficiency, working out how it will compete against other competitors, and setting milestones for progress so they can be measured.
Register to join us for a free informational webinar to learn more about how to apply for a VentureWell Course & Program Grant. Our Grants Manager and staff from our Higher Education Catalyst Team will be available to answer your questions live on Zoom.
Learn more before you apply
Explore the following resources to learn more about the grant and start developing your proposal:
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