May 23, 2022

The Force of NM SMART Grid Center: Success Stories from May

woman accepting award from man

Associate Professor Svetlana Poroseva accepting the award from Yu-Lin Shen, chair of the UNM Department of Mechanical Engineering

Kimberly Delker/UNM

By Brittney Van Der Werff

  Reading Time: 2 minutes


Four reasons the force may be with the NM SMART Grid Center

  1. Professor Laura Boucheron is on a team at NMSU that has been awarded a $300,000, two-year grant from the Office of Naval Research to develop machine learning algorithms that analyze the impact of atmospheric turbulence on hyperspectral imaging, a type of satellite imaging that uses a wide spectrum of light (think continuous rainbow of colors vs being limited to those in a Crayon 8-pack). More information about this award is detailed in an article by the Las Cruces Sun News at the following link:
  2. Professor Jay Misra and Assistant Professor David Mitchell (you may remember them as the 2019 NM EPSCoR Mentor Award Recipients) received $1M in NSF Resilient & Intelligent NextG Systems (RINGS) funding to tackle networking and security challenges in future public safety and disaster response networks. For example, is there a way to make communication networks continue to function for emergency operations (think search and rescue) after parts of the physical infrastructure (cell towers, phone lines, etc.) have been destroyed? More information about the award is located at the following link:
  3. Microgrid Systems Laboratory (MSL) won an international award! Earlier this month MSL (a SMART Grid Center primary partner) shared it was one of two winners (selected from a pool of 65 projects) of the 2022 Energy Smart Communities Initiative Best Practices Awards Program, sponsored by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation. The program started in 2010, aims to showcase best practices, facilitate knowledge sharing, and honor positive change makers in the fields of Smart Transport, Smart Buildings, Smart Grids, and Smart Jobs & Consumers. More information in the official MSL news release at the following link: 
  4. Associate Professor Svetlana Poroseva was selected for the 2022 Harrison Faculty Recognition Award. Established in 2005, this award honors electrical engineering alumni Stanley E. Harrison, and is given to mid-level faculty "who have a demonstrated commitment to community service, are recognized by their peers and are dedicated to engineering education."