January 30, 2015

Newest New Mexico Journal of Science Now Available

By Natalie Willoughby

  Reading Time: 1 minute

The 2014 New Mexico Journal of Science, published by the New Mexico Academy of Science, is now available for public viewing. This year's Journal is subtitled "Water, Energy, and the Environment," and includes abstracts from participants in the 2014 NMAS Research Symposium. All presenters and poster session participants are included in the Journal. New Mexico EPSCoR is proud to be a sponsor of the Symposium, and we are thrilled to have so many project participants and students published in the Journal. Also included in the Journal are papers written by high school students as part of a statewide scientific paper competition. Below is an excerpt from the introduction by Kurt Anderson, editor of the New Mexico Journal of Science.

The New Mexico Journal of Science is a publication of the New Mexico Academy of Science. Each issue of the Journal, which has been published since 1906, usually contains research papers and review articles deemed of interest to the scientists, educators, and citizens of New Mexico. Some volumes have addressed topics of social or economic interest to the state while others have emphasized scientific areas in which New Mexico is particularly active.

The Journal is only available electronically. You can view this year's issue as well as some back issues at You can also read it online here.