April 16, 2019

NM EPSCoR Impacts Series: Energize NM

Pubs or it Didn't Happen

new mexico mountains with image of typed papers overlaid


By Brittney Van Der Werff

  Reading Time: 1 minute

In the world of academia, the proof is in the publications, not the pudding – unless, of course, the publication is on pudding.

In the first year of New Mexico's last NSF EPSCoR project, the Energize New Mexico team produced 18 peer-reviewed publications. As time passed, these numbers predictably increased, with 27 in year three and 49 in year five. Now the grant is over, but papers are still being published. 

In April, New Mexico Tech Professor Frank Huang and graduate student Allie Arning from the Osmotic Power team published an article in Membranes exploring membrane distillation to desalinate brackish groundwater. Haizhen Wang, a PhD student from the Solar team at NMSU, and her advisor Associate Professor, Hongmei Luo, recently had their mini-review on perovskite oxides research accepted for publication in the September 2019 issue of Applied Materials Today, and Johanna Blake, a former NM EPSCoR post-doc and other members of the Uranium Team at UNM will have an article on Uranium mobility and reactivity on the Navajo Reservation appearing in Chemical Geology the same month. 
Digging further into the numbers reveals Energize NM grant is directly responsible for over 200 peer-reviewed publications to date, with more on the way.  Stay tuned, each month we will highlight the great things still happening because of previous NM EPSCoR projects.