June 30, 2019

NM Science Fiesta & Teen Science Night Report-out

Picture of two women showing booth materials at teen science night

Biopark staff Deborah Cook and NM SMART Grid Center faculty lead Olga Lavrova


By Selena Connealy

  Reading Time: 1 minute

The Sci-Q (science quotient) of New Mexico went up during the week of June 22 to 29 when nearly 4,000 people participated in the NM EPSCoR–sponsored New Mexico Science Fiesta in events across the Albuquerque metro area. The celebration of science was coordinated by Explora and supported by dozens of organizations, ranging from STEM employers to community centers, colleges to dance studios, and national labs to city departments.

One highlight of the week was the Science Expo at the State Fairgrounds where the public enjoyed amazing exhibits, hands-on activities, and demonstrations. Many former EPSCoR team members participated--Mike Heagy, Mahinda Ranasinghe, Gayan Rubasinghege (NM Tech); Yang Qin (UNM and American Chemical Society), Jose Cerrato, Dave Hanson (UNM); and Deb Novak and Kelly White (NM Museum of Natural History and Science). To cap off the week, Explora’s Teen Night attracted more than 550 teens who explored the exhibits and chatted with science professionals, including NM SMART Grid Center faculty lead, Olga Lavrova (NMSU).

Explora is the primary outreach partner of NM EPSCoR and the NM SMART Grid Center.