STEMAP 2016 is Underway
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Chelsea Chee
STEMAP in 2016 is looking great! We have 13 students joining our forces this summer working on seven research areas. They will spend eight weeks over the summer getting a week of training, doing seven weeks of research, and a day presenting their research experience.
STEMAP 2016 students are:
- Aubree Turner, ENMU
- Emily Peterson, ENMU
- Michelle Sherman, SFCC
- Adrianna Nieto, SFCC
- Vanessa Ward, SFCC
- Araceli Saldana, WNMU
- Luis Garcia, UNM-Valencia
- Nakita Fluhman, ENMU
- Andrew White, SFCC
- Adriana Gallegos, SFCC
- Adriana Lujan-Paez, WNMU
- Derrick Platero, SJC
- Brianne Willis, ENMU
These students will be doing research at the main campuses of New Mexico State University, New Mexico Tech, and University of New Mexico. Research includes:
- Algae for Energy - Algal Cultivation and Extraction Research
- Encapsulating Living Cells for Biofuel and Bioproducts
- Visualizing Function in Live Cells for Bioenergy Applications
- Imaging Geothermal Systems using Magentotelluric Methods
- Using Geochemical Tracers in Geothermal Systems
- New Mexico’s Energy/Water Future - Attitudes and Preferences Towards Energy Production
- Photons to Fuels and Feedstocks: Solar Energy in New Mexico
- Assessing Uranium Contamination on the Navajo and Laguna Reservations
Keep a look out on our website for information about our STEM Advancement Program!